September 11th, 2012

Today is September 11th – a day forever engraved in our memories, in our minds, in our hearts.  Many heroes were made that sunny early fall day in 2001 and, sadly, many heroes were tragically lost.  I ask, what does the word “hero” mean to you?  To some, it means a superstar athlete who plays for their favorite baseball or football team.

To others, it means a fictitious character such as Superman.

According to Wikipedia, it refers to “characters who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, display courage and the will for self-sacrifice – that is, heroism – for some greater good of all humanity.  To me, this is the exact definition of a hero.  The men and women who sacrificed their lives that fateful day so others could live theirs.  First responders who willingly ran into those buildings with the sole intent of bringing others out.  Every day Joe who happened to be on an airplane that morning never thinking he’d find himself thwarting a terrorist attack while in-flight.  These people are heroes.

As we pause and reflect, remembering those who lost their lives on 9-11, I invite you to find the everyday heroes in your life.  The teacher who helped bring your 3rd grader out of his shell.  The nurse in the NICU who picked you up off the hospital floor when you could no longer stand on your own.  Your husband who works so hard, and with such great pride, to provide for his family.  The single-mom struggling to do everything she can to meet her children’s needs and make sure they know, beyond everything else, that they are loved.  Our military servicemen and women – and their families – all around the globe, sacrificing each and every day so we can live in freedom.

These are the true heroes among us.  Hug your hero today.

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