Facebook Contests






By now, most of you know that setting up a Facebook page for business should be included as part of your marketing mix. But are you maximizing it to its full potential? In order for that to happen, one thing you need to do, if at all possible, is to run Facebook Contests. Not only does it help drive more traffic to your Facebook page but helps you to get more LIKES.

You just have to think of the idea and we have talented graphic designers on staff that can help you with the packaging of it.

Turn your Facebook Biz Page into a Winner by Hosting a Contest

Read on for five tips to conducting successful Facebook contests, as outlined in a recent blog by openforum.com from American Express.

Know the rules. Facebook has specific rules that must be followed to be able to run a promotion on their social media platform. Check the Facebook guidelines for the full set of rules but here are some general guidelines:

  • All Facebook contests must be publicized through a Canvas Page or Page App.
  • Must inform participants that Facebook does not sponsor or endorse your contest.
  • Be clear that a participant is not required to Like, Upload or Leave a Comment to participate. Also do not use Like button as a voting mechanism.
  • Cannot notify winners through Facebook—a separate call or email is required.

Determine what kind of contest to run. Think about the effort level that would work well with your particular audience. Some can only handle a minimal effort while others can be asked to do a lot more.

Choose your third party app. Some examples include Strutta, Wildfire and North Social.

Tie your prize to your business. Be creative and make sure it relates to your business or industry. Consider one of your own products or a free amount of service time.

Get the word out. Tell everyone you know to help spread the word of your contest. Use other platforms like Twitter, Pinterest and Linked in (if you are already on them) and place a banner on your website. Add share buttons so participants can let their peeps know of the contest as well.

Sample ideas for small businesses

To get your creative juices flowing,  here are some ideas on how small businesses can be successful at running Facebook contests:

  • Tie your contest into current events and holidays like the Academy Awards, Super Bowl or Breast Cancer Awareness month for example.
  • Run a photo contest since most everyone has a camera on their cell phones.
  • Consider simple guessing games with your fans.
  • Have fans share their best tips like ways to go green at home, top three ways to relax. Winner goes to the most unique tip.
  • Collect your fan’s favorite quotes.

For additional information on this topic, check out this article from the Social Media Examiner on how to make your Facebook contest stand out. And if you need graphic designers to help bring your Facebook Contest idea to life  and get your clients to engage more with your business, contact us at The Savvy Socialista and join our growing list of happy and satisfied clients.


Turn your Facebook Biz Page into a Winner by Hosting a Contest


  1. Lyn

    Thanks for those tips. I have been getting some great interaction with readers of my blog but I am new to Facebook and need some good tips for building an audience. I really like your sample ideas and I’ll make sure I read up on the TOS before doing anything.

    • Jami

      You are very welcome Lyn!! Best of luck to you!


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