Among some of the best ways to stand out in social media (quality engaging content, amazing visuals) is your brand voice. You want people to have authentic conversations with your brand – and in order to do so you need to find your social media voice.

social media voice

Finding your brand voice can be difficult since it’s not something you can monitor with analytics and tweak accordingly.

The reason a strong social media voice is so important, along with having good conversations, is to convert those conversations to ROI.  Social media strategist Jay Baer says in his book “Convince and Convert,” a social media voice can lead to others doing your marketing for you.

Baer explains, “Don’t just give your customers something to talk about, give them somebody to talk about.”

Tips for Finding Your Social Media Voice

1. Be transparent and open. Be unique. Few business’s share details of their journey from business idea to execution. Those intimate details can help you stand out from the crowd.

2. Pretend like you’re marketing a person. Companies have a reputation for being generic on social media. There is no reason to post differently than you would if you were talking one-to-one with a customer.

3. Be authentic and consistent. Don’t post anything that feels forced or beyond your brand because you think it will help gain more attention. Also, beware of attempts to be funny! Social media jokes that fall flat can be embarrassing to your business.

Brand Who Found Its Social Media Voice

Kate Spade is a great example of a brand who knows its social media voice. The brand is witty, cheerful and conversational. It’s a voice her followers on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr have responded to well. Followers really enjoy Kate’s day-to-day posts about her New York life and daily agenda.

So Kate began checking in to the MoMA in the afternoon and at Mercury Lounge in the evening; on the weekends, “she” snapped Instagram photos of Central Park and the facade of the Plaza Hotel.

social media voice

How would you define your social media voice?

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