You only have 140 characters, so it’s important to learn how to craft the perfect tweet. You have to maximize the short space. The two most important pieces of the tweet are readability and ability to retweet.

the perfect tweet

Elements of The Perfect Tweet

1. Keep It Shorter

You may think it’s impossible to stay under 140 characters, but shorter tweets (about 120 characters) are easier to read and better for retweeting.

Those extra twenty characters you’ve kindly sacrificed will now be more easily usable for your followers. The extra characters allow them to add their own handle and hashtag if they wish to retweet and/or create a modified version of your tweet. At 120, there’s less risk of your precious message being cut off or truncated – all the more reason to tweet those extra characters forward.

2. Don’t Bury The Lead 

When crafting the perfect tweet, put the main topic of your message as close to the beginning as possible. Consider these variations.

  1. 25 ways to make customers smile through great service.
  2. 25 smile-inducing customer service tips.
  3. 25 retail tips to keep your customers smiling.

For best results, “3” is your best bet. Tweet “3” not only explains that you’re about to share retail tips, but it also details how many tips there are – all within the first three words.

3. Fast Facts – No Filler

Don’t frustrate your followers with tweets such as “Tiger takes care of puppy … and you’ll never guess what happens next!” People are on Twitter because they want fast facts. Give them the details they need and present a compelling reason for them to click your link to get more information.

If you tweet “A tiger takes care of a puppy and the video is pure joy!” you will entice your followers to click the link.

Keep things informative, short, fast, and clear are keys to crafting the perfect tweet. Doing so will keep your followers engaged and informed while building trust between them and your brand.

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